
Welcome to


The Ipswich Men’s Shed


About the Ipswich Men’s Shed

The Ipswich Men’s shed was the Vision of Dean Olafsen and others to encourage older men to socialize. It was established in 2012 and officially began operating in 2013.

A great number of men find they have a lot of free time on their hands once they retire and can sometimes lose the group of mates they once had while at work. The Men’s shed is a place where guys of any age can come and have a chat and a coffee with other men in a creative hands-on atmosphere.

Reasons to join the Ipswich Men’s Shed

Moving from the family home and giving up your shed or workspace can be incredibly tough, and if you have moved into a retirement home or apartment, it can be easy to think you have to give up that part of your life.

Whether you want to do, woodwork, metal work, gardening and more, embark on a new project, create some new artwork, improve your computer skills, or simply want to catch up for a cuppa and a yarn with like-minded people, the Ipswich Men’s Shed has plenty to offer for retired men.


The Ipswich Men’s Shed is located at 3a Mining St, Bundamba. It is open Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday 8am – 1pm.

Annual fee of $35 is charged for all members plus an initial joining fee of $10. A daily fee of  $3 and an additional $5 for lunch, if required.

For further information, email the Ipswich Men’s Shed at ipswichmensshed@hotmail.com or call 07 34365857.

Thank you

LLEWELLYN MOTORS have generously loaned a twin cab vehicle for 12 months for Shed use!

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Our Sponsors

Queensland Men's Shed
Beyond Blue
Prostate Cancer of Australia<br />
Rotary<br />
Salvation Army<br />


“It is not what we say, or what we do! It’s how we make people feel”.

That’s the difference at
The Ipswich Men’s Shed.